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Monday, June 24, 2024

Ops and Safety Plan for June 24 Demonstration at Home of Ed Kelly

Safety and Ops Plan for June 24

Lowcountry Up is Good, PAC, Inc.

See full press release on Demonstration

Plan submitted to and reviewed by Mount Pleasant Police Department

Mount Pleasant, SC, USA - This is to be a peaceful and lawful public assembly on public property authorized by the first Amendment. All details will be coordinated with the Mt. Pleasant Police Department in advance. We will not approach residents of Carolina Park during our presence there, but will speak to them if they approach us. We will not attempt intense engagements with the public whale on Wilkes way, but are willing to do an in person meeting or zoom with them later, provided the in person meeting is at a location with a security station which scans for weapons. A minimum separation of 10 feet between demonstrators and residents or counterprotestors will be maintained. All activity within the neighborhood will be conducted on the public right of way. 

4:30 - We will set up a small popup tent near the South End of the Wando Library parking lot with a table and chairs, adjacent to the NE corner of the intersection of Caroliana Park Blvd. and Tomahawk Road. We’ll hang a flag and a few signs on it. This will be our standoff HQ for the event. Cars can park in the South end of the Library Parking lot, which is so far from the door that it’s almost never used, so we won’t be using parking needed by library patrons. We’ll set up to monitor the Board Meeting using the power pack and a laptop. We’ll try to have a small bluetooth speaker so it will be audible. We’ll have snacks, chicken and cold water. People who are having trouble with the heat can wait inside the Library. No demonstration activity is planned inside the

5:15 - School Board meeting begins. We’ll assemble our demonstrators, count off 20 and get them ready to ride to the Kelly house. Live webcast begins using phone and booster battery. If the police decide we can march, we’ll still extract our people by vehicle. 

5:30- If Kelly doesn’t appear downtown, we’ll move the first group of demonstrators out and start rotating them by vehicle between Wilkes Way and the Popup HQ, with the number and frequency depending on the number present. We’ll continue the Demonstration until 7 pm if Kelly isn’t at the meeting. It’s possible we’ll go longer if something significant happens, but we’ll end at Sunset regardless and have all people off both locations by the end of Civil Twilight. 

6:00 - If Kelly does appear downtown, we’ll make a short, symbolic appearance on Wilkes Way, rotating people in and out quickly so everyone present gets a chance to participate. The total length of that demonstration should be less than 30 minutes.  

6:15 to 6:30 If Kelly is downtown, we’ll leave the conscious raising gift basket on the sidewalk in front of his home for someone to collect for him later. We do not plan to go to his door, per the request of the Carolina Park HOA. The small basket will consist of a package of gummi bears because he didn’t get any last week, while his neighbors did. There will also be a printed copy of our critique of his campaign finance disclosures and four white roses, wrapped in green tissue paper. Demonstrators may place notes to kelly in the basket. The police can inspect the basket.

If we’re not allowed to leave the basket, we’ll take it downtown to deliver to him in person. 

We’ll clear out shortly after 7 pm, with some participants getting dinner before heading down to join the group at the School Board Meeting. If we still have the basket, we’ll deliver that to Kelly at the meeting, by give it to School District security.

If the police can’t cover the HQ Popup standoff location, the two people left there to monitor it will lock themselves inside their vehicle with the front of the vehicle pointed outward. If someone vandalizes or tries to steal the equipment, they’re to leave the area immediately without leaving the car. 

William Hamilton

Executive Director

DiversCity Project, Lowcountry Up is Good, PAC, Inc.
32 Sowell St.
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464

Communications director (who will be off site monitoring media) Merrill Chapman at (843) 200-1977

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