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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

How We'll Defend our Hummocks


Defending Our Lowcountry's Seven Hummocks

How We Will Defend Our DiversCity

Read the Press Release Announcing our Organizational Plan to the Community as we move towards July 14.

Unity City, Moms for Liberty and the other Christian Dominationist organizations working together to take over our community, organize themselves around the seven mountains of influence doctrine, an anti biblical plan which justifies Dominionists abandoning the teachings of Jesus to achieve coercive secular power over the people of the SC Lowcountry. This violates the US Constitution and the teachings of the New Testament.

Image, Left, by Tate Nation, featured on our current outreach card. 2500 are being distributed throughout the Lowcountry between now and July 14

It also violates geography. There are no mountains here. Ours is a flat, moist land mingled with the sea. Our green marshes are dotted with hummocks, small mounds, usually associated with freshwater springs and covered with wax myrtle bushes which are a haven for life, refuge from the heat and saltiness of our vast marshes. We have no mountains to defend, but we’ll fight for our hummocks.

Image, Right, pedestrian accessible hummock at Shem Creek Park, Mt. Pleasant, SC, USA. This hummock has been claimed as they symbolic home of the Administrative team

Our organizational structure, like our land, is flat and fertile. Seven working groups form a council of nine with one vote from each working group and one from Administration and Communications/Fundraising. Each working group has 3-5 expert members well connected to and be highlynowledgeable about their sector/hummock. Instead of a hierarchy funded with right wing money from out of state, ultimately sourced from billionaires who could care less about any kind of religion (the false Gods of the right), our organization will call up resources from the organizations connected to our network through their working group/sector/hummock. Each working group will lead a small rapid response force or trained people who can connect with and mobilize their part of the community.

We’ll build on and connect the power the Lowcountry already has, which is massive. We won’t sneak into organizations to compromise them, we’ll bring them together with honesty and vision to save our Hummocks, our Lowcountry. (There will be T-shirts.) We know we will come together, with some bickering, because this is our land.

Our first effort will be to staff the seven working groups and draft the Lowcountry Declaration of Resistance so that we can present them and sign the declaration on Bastille Day, Sunday, July 14 at a celebration of human freedom, DiversCity and hope. We’ll also read the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that night. 

We cannot save America from SC. That battle will take place elsewhere. We may not be able to save South Carolina. We shall hold this blue island, our Lowcountry, our home. 

Here are the Seven Hummocks and the status of Organization of Each. Contact info will be inserted here when each group is fully organized and ready to begin operation. 

Lowcountry Up is Good, PAC, Inc. will control the effort until January, 2025 when DiversCity will become self-governing. Effort until then will focus on training, fundraising to support efforts to build and sustain resistance, and local elections. 

The Hummocks  We Fight For in the Lowcountry


Charge,  areas covered


  1. Family

Includes traditional nuclear families, extended  multigenerational families and non traditional, voluntary families, LGBTQ inclusive families, and childrens issues, Included Birth and coming of age celebrations and community efforts. Anti gun violence community efforts (not law enforcement or legal anti gun violence efforts)

  1. Education

Includes day care, traditional schools, middle and high schools, private schools, charter schools, home schooling, higher education, and adult education. Also includes Libraries and non government educational organizations.

Began operation June 14. Dameon Fordham organizing with support from Administration and Communications. 

  1. Science and Technology

Includes science, applied science and engineering, architecture, medical care, electronic communication, internet services, community access to technology, environmental science, recycling, infrastructure planning and transit. 

  1. Business and economy

Includes economic issues, employment, union activity, government investment programs, transportation, transit, internet hardware. Also includes housing and tenant’s rights.

Bo Rupert (already working on the Tractor Supply Boycott). Other members to be announced. 

5, Faith, Religion and Spiritual Practice

Includes religious faith communities, self actualization disciplines, interfaith efforts, religious celebrations, community celebrations of birth and death

Began operation June 10. Leadership announced on July 14.

6. Art and Culture

Art, theater, music, foodways, Gulluh Geeche, Ethnic celebrations, Latinx culture, and public monuments, Creative nurturing initiatives.


7. Government

National government, state government, county government, municipal government, special purpose districts, law enforcement, courts and HOAs. 

Leader Nichole Broach Members Thomas Dixon, Aaron Comstock, began operation May 18.

8. Administration and Logistics

Policy development, fundraising, coordination, operation of organization collaborative council, supply, funding and execution of planning

William Hamilton, 


(843) 870-5299

began operation May 18. Louise Brown, Lead Organizer

9. Communications & Accountability

Production of written policy and documents, research, video content, Internet presence, field outreach, accounting and financial management

Merrill Chapman

Communications director

(843) 200-1977

Began operation on May 20

Timeline to July 14, 2024

  • Now to July 9- Recruit, organize and train members of seven hummocks working groups
    July 4- Push to prepare for full activation begins with small event in front of Isle of Palms County Park

  • June 27 to July 12- Draft and recruit endorsers for Lowcountry Declaration of Resistance
  • July 8- In person Markup of Lowcountry Declaration of Resistance, Afternoon and evening meetings on major bus lines

  • July 10- Pirate Party at Container Bar to celebrate Lowcountry Up is Good’s success at building ridership on the Bus to the Beach, 7 to 10 pm. Not really political, but we need a party and our mburning man and container bar friends want to help us “relax.” 

  • July 13- Isle of Pirates, 10 am to 5 pm. Our burning man friends say we need to have more fun, so they’ve invited us to join their pirate takeover of the Isle of Palms to celebrate and build ridership on our Bus to the Beach, the result of seven years of struggle to return transit to the Atlantic in the Lowcountry. They are a very Diverse grop of pirates, old pirates, young pirates, pirates of several races, mixed races, LGBTQ, and those who identify as pirates. They remind us there is no revolution without dancing. You don’t have to be a pirate, but they swear it helps. Get on the bus and meet us out in front of IOP County Park.

  • July 14, Bastille Day, but a day big in  history for many other reasons, including the target date for the Denmark Vessey rebellion in Charleston. Read all the significant events on July 14 at Join us for an evening celebration where well celebrate, sing, read the international declaration of human rights, unveil our new logo/symbol for DiversCity and Unveil, read and subscribe to the Lowcountry DiversCity Declaration of Resistance. 


  1. This sounds good. Just starting to hear about Project 2025. Read here online. Almost 900 pgs. I hope all your events will be accessible for those w/ disabilities. Outreach needed.. Thanks for all y'all are doing.

    1. Unity City and Project 2025 are related, but not the same. Ultimately, the people pushing Project 2025 are the same billionaires funding Unity City. They could care less about religion. However the Christian Right is an efficient battering ram for leveling the social institutions which frustrate the Billionaires. it would be hard to persuade people who live in trailers to fight for lower capital gains taxes or weaker environmental regulations. Once the walls are down and the preachers are on their payroll, the rich get what they want. Do they really care about abortion? I don't really know. They care about money. They have it beyond all need. It now only functions to validate them. Like Trump, their lives are tortured with the anxiety that the world hates them. They gird on the billions to make drown out the noise of that anxiety with the people ready to do things for money, anything for enough money.

      In that world, nobody's free. The poor, working class and upper class struggle to conform and serve, knowing they are a few paychecks from being brutalized on the street. The rich know they are hated and all the things they buy never quite make that awareness go away, however wealth is real and you can put a number on it. Their number can be bigger than someone else's. For Christian Dominionists, they're preparing for the eminent end of the world and getting paid for it. Tomorrow doesn't matter.

      The Lowcountry has been a place which, while far from perfect, was modest about money. A lot of what mattered here couldn't be bought. The rich drove old cars. Everyone pretended to be poor. People didn't show off. There was a culture of restrained. When you have shared a place for this long, you learn to be careful. it wasn't perfect, but it is better than suburbs full of wanna bees threatening people with screwed up entitlements grounded in a Christianity St. Paul wouldn't recognize.


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