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Saturday, June 29, 2024

Won’t Wake Up, Go Bankrupt, Demand Corporate Accountably from Tractor Supply

Action planned for Saturday, July 6, 10 am to 12 Noon at Tractor Supply Stores in SC Lowcountry


On June 27 Tractor Supply capitulated to a six week right wing hate campaign and repudiated its commitments to inclusion, fairness, non-discrimination, public accountability and a sustainable human presence on planet Earth in a public statement posted on what used to be twitter. They wrote off the survival of the human race with a tweet.

t is a victory for the right’s, “Go Woke, Go Broke” campaign to reverse a generation of modest gains made with corporations to get some accountability and responsibility into the boardrooms of the descendants of the robber baron industrial combinations of the gilded age when Carnegie built libraries with wealth gained slaughtering workers in conditions Moms for Liberty would prefer our children never read about. Lives of suffering Unity City would be happy to see return in their dream of industrial serfdom in their new age of faith.

We can’t wait to push back. Other corporations would be happy to shed the tiny shreds of restraint that two generations of advocacy have thrust upon them. A deluge of political blood money to keep the Maga Naton off their backs and fund projects like Unity City would be certain to follow. The longer we wait, the harder this will be to stop.

Our answer to “Go Woke, Go Broke” is “Won’t wake up? Go Bankrupt.”

Even though we’re all trying to enjoy what may be the last decent July 4th weekend of our lives and sweating through the beginning of a big hurricane season, we have to act now. The planet is dying. Our democracy is sick.

On Saturday, July 6, from 10 am to 12 noon, we’re going to attempt to organize demonstrations near the entrance of all four Tractor Supply locations in Charleston, Dorchester and Berkeley Counties on public property. The Administration unity of DiversCity will demonstrate at the Tractor Supply in Awendaw, where will put up our popup and serve Rosa Park Pancakes with fresh local peaches to any friendly people who come by. We’ll inform Sherriff Graziano and hope her deputies will maintain order. This is at the very edge of our territory. Anyone participating should expect a lot of snark and hostility.

As always, we’ll coordinate with law enforcement, stay on public property and conduct ourselves with discipline and restraint. We’ll maintain our perfect record of 8 years of public advocacy without a single act of violence or property damage. Each tractor supply will get one of our gift baskets. We’ll make sure they learn what those white roses stand for.  

Nichole Broach, head of our government working group, may try to organize a demo at the new Summerville Tractor supply.

It’s going to be a hard, hot morning organized at the speed of light in the face of a critical holiday weekend. Louise Brown’s entire tribe is coming to Charleston for their family reunion, so we may be without the presence of our mother of the Movement. If she can’t make it, we’ll have to stop these tanks ourselves. When we’re done, I’m taking the bus to the beach.

  • William Hamilton (843-870-5299, will coordinate the actions at the two coastal Tractor Supply locations on Highway 17, South and North of Charleston. Nichole Broach will coordinate the two actions at the Inland locations in Summerville and Moncks Corner. Communications will be managed by Merrill Chapman  (843-200-1977)We need a quick mobilization and volunteers.

    We’ll provide printed boycott cards that participants can either take into Tractor Supply in person or leave with us to mail to their Corporate Agent by certified mail. We’ll have an online petition to sign so bring your tablet or phone.

This kicks off a week of intense activism that includes completing drafting of our Declaration of Resistance and culminates on Bastille Day when we publish the declaration, introduce our new leadership. Unveil our permanent logo and sing our new songs. New to us anyway. Louise already knows them. She says they stop tanks. We’ll see. 


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